England,  Personal,  Poetry,  Ramblings,  Travel

A Walk to Remember

The sound of rushing water always bring a sense of nostalgia. I listen to it as I calm my ever-racing mind. I am both present and absent from the world. I glide my feet as it takes me from the congested streets down the quiet rose filled Regent’s Park. I’ve brought a small snack of cheese and fruit to nibble on, while I read a book on a nearby bench. The wind is quite strong but I simply hug myself closer. What could be more peaceful?

Soon the darkness sets in and I can no longer read the words on the page. I continue my journey home through new alleyways and avenues as I look for new spectacles. London becomes the novel I lose myself in. I’m careful to keep a steady pace and a watchful eye of the traffic alongside me. Storefront mannequins inspire new outfits and fantasies of a life I could be living.

There’s something magical about a long walk in the evening as the world turns to night. On a good day, the sky is filled with a sorbet concoction of orange, red, and yellow shades–a painting left across the horizon. It’s this wonderful canvas that nature bestows upon us before she sleeps. As you amble along the river, the skyscrapers are reflected clearly in the water. A peak of moonlight streams, a swan or two are swimming, and the night chill makes your lips chatter. But all of this is worth it–to see the city streetlights guide your way home.

Although some might be afraid to get lost in the craziness of crowds, I let my mind wander as I watch the world move around me. People are passing through and in these small glimpses are vignettes displayed before my eyes. I narrow in and ponder the kind of lives people are living. I witness the wonders that are happening. Some adventures are filled with wedding proposals and others are accompanied by buskers giving a musical entertainment. Each moment another story to listen to, each walk a new memory made.

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