
  • An American in Paris

    Although I was limited by where and how much I could travel during the Covid-19 Pandemic, I felt I must take advantage of my time in Europe while I was staying there. Each of the cities I chose were conveniently situated along the Eurostar train line. If you are ever in debate about the best way to travel, avoiding airports can save you a lot of time, hassle, and security stress. The trains often take you directly into the heart of a city where you find yourself stepping right into the bustle. It’s as if one dissolves from a weary tourist to a common commuter milling about their day. Over…

  • My London Life

    It surprised me, how quickly I found that London was the perfect place for me to live. It wasn’t the location that made it right, it was the people I came to know along the way. Even when the work got hard, even when I was traveling in Europe, I looked forward to the familiar faces I had become accustomed to seeing. In the canteen, I would search the crowds for my friends. I wanted to hear about their day, share stories, enjoy the laugh of good company. Many gatherings consisted of outings in the park, just reading or talking with one another as we basked in the sun (or…

  • A Walk to Remember

    The sound of rushing water always bring a sense of nostalgia. I listen to it as I calm my ever-racing mind. I am both present and absent from the world. I glide my feet as it takes me from the congested streets down the quiet rose filled Regent’s Park. I’ve brought a small snack of cheese and fruit to nibble on, while I read a book on a nearby bench. The wind is quite strong but I simply hug myself closer. What could be more peaceful? Soon the darkness sets in and I can no longer read the words on the page. I continue my journey home through new alleyways…

  • Another Year Gone

    This year reminded me to appreciate the good in things when I felt at my lowest. In the waves of clouds that emerged, I had to search for the horizons bursting through, or otherwise I would have stayed disheartened. I know the growth of character comes from what we have yet to learn about, which is why in just a few days, I will be embarking on one of the biggest changes I have made thus far. Over these past months, I found myself taking on new experiences, challenges, and exploring different relationships than I had before. It was difficult and even heartbreaking occasionally. One friend of mine wondered why…

  • Change is Hard

    Charles Darwin’s “Survival of the Fittest,” exemplifies how living organisms that were capable of biologically evolving and adapting to a changed environment, increased the survival odds of their species. And no other species on Planet Earth has changed their environment more drastically or rapidly like Homo Sapiens. It is no wonder we as humans have such difficulties in life. In such a short span, just one human life, we are confronted with multiple decisions; like navigating a mine field with traps in every corner. When you consider it, adolescence has more milestones than a highway. It’s these constant changes that challenge us every step of the way. In life, things…

  • The Remains of My Home

    Imagine a lone sailor out on the Pacific Ocean, with North America on one side and the Asian continent on the other. This sailor is stuck between two ‘islands’, two worlds that are not quite home. I am this traveler who glances in the water to see my reflection. Only then do I see the lines and scars that are proof of my history. Our bodies become the place where our past leaves its mark. As a Chinese adoptee, the history of my birth culture is embedded in the strands of my DNA and left on the tastebuds that make me crave Chinese cuisine. My parents and their Euro-American history…