
  • Provincial Food Life

    I can attest to the opinion that choosing to vacation in the countryside is a wonderful idea. In my first week in the quaint little town of Aix-en-Provence, France, I have found it to be a fascinating education into provincial life. It has been a joy to live among locals and to adopt their practices. I have been lucky enough to stay with a nice couple who I share daily bread or rather baguette with. When I say daily, I do mean every day and nearly with every meal. I would not come to France if you were planning on going light on the carbs. You’ll end up like me,…

  • Uncharted Territories

    Most of us enjoy a sense of comfort and familiarity in our life. It’s reassuring to have consistency and stability, knowing where our next meal will be, seeing the same people when we go home, having our favourite colleagues to talk to at work. However too much of the same thing can make us complacent or unable to adjust to the changing environment around. No matter how well established and routine someone’s life generally is setbacks and pitfalls will invariably happen. This is why it can be useful to intentionally prioritise placing ourselves in different environments, for instance traveling often. It doesn’t mean we have to go deep into the…

  • An American in Paris

    Although I was limited by where and how much I could travel during the Covid-19 Pandemic, I felt I must take advantage of my time in Europe while I was staying there. Each of the cities I chose were conveniently situated along the Eurostar train line. If you are ever in debate about the best way to travel, avoiding airports can save you a lot of time, hassle, and security stress. The trains often take you directly into the heart of a city where you find yourself stepping right into the bustle. It’s as if one dissolves from a weary tourist to a common commuter milling about their day. Over…

  • Ethics of Street Photography

    “To photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they never see themselves, by having intimate knowledge of them that they can never have; it turns people into objects that can be symbolically possessed.” Susan Sontag My camera lens has always been my window into other worlds–often those of other individuals. It makes me a witness to the mundane lives we all live. Yet, I pause and I find myself wanting to capture these ordinary moments. I become an onlooker, hiding behind my carbon fibre and glass box. I capture people unnoticed in their candid states. Are they my muse? As a photographer, I  must consider my positioning,…

  • My London Life

    It surprised me, how quickly I found that London was the perfect place for me to live. It wasn’t the location that made it right, it was the people I came to know along the way. Even when the work got hard, even when I was traveling in Europe, I looked forward to the familiar faces I had become accustomed to seeing. In the canteen, I would search the crowds for my friends. I wanted to hear about their day, share stories, enjoy the laugh of good company. Many gatherings consisted of outings in the park, just reading or talking with one another as we basked in the sun (or…

  • A Walk to Remember

    The sound of rushing water always bring a sense of nostalgia. I listen to it as I calm my ever-racing mind. I am both present and absent from the world. I glide my feet as it takes me from the congested streets down the quiet rose filled Regent’s Park. I’ve brought a small snack of cheese and fruit to nibble on, while I read a book on a nearby bench. The wind is quite strong but I simply hug myself closer. What could be more peaceful? Soon the darkness sets in and I can no longer read the words on the page. I continue my journey home through new alleyways…

  • England My Home

    Going to England was this long-time dream of mine, but when it was actually becoming my reality, I was daunted and in denial. It isn’t like I spent months or even years building up for this experience, it was just that I had never made such an immense change in my life. I can remember only a couple months ago, I was watching my family vanish as I passed through TSA security and inside a fear of doubt grew. There was this small part of me that wanted to have my trip cancel or to have my flight delayed. I wanted to do anything to not face the fact that…

  • ‘Americanisms’ the English didn’t know existed…

    Where do I begin? Do you know how you’re doing a task and after some time you realise there would have been an easier way to do it, but because you are too stubborn and nearly done you continue to spend extra time struggling, doing something the harder way? Yeah, well that’s basically what it’s like to be an American in a nutshell. Seriously, why do we still think it’s better to measure in cups rather than in grams? Do we know there is a better way, or do we just delight in being different? I’m presuming the latter is true. Anyway it was to my surprise that in coming…

  • All Journeys End

    Alone in the apartment I stare out the window. The lion head fountain across the street reminds me of the solitary walk I did to the Trevi Fountain only a couple nights before. I’m sitting on a railing in the center so that I have a wide angle view of the fountain. The anticipated lights are out shimmering a tinted blue. I try to focus on the artwork before me as I stare at the sculpture of the chiseled muscles of Poseidon and his loyal dolphins, but my view is obstructed frequently by couples trying to take photos of themselves. After giving up on any reflective pondering, I reach in…

  • I’ve Grown Accustomed to Rome

    I didn’t expect that with such little time that I would make such an attachment to a place. I can’t say I’m in love with Rome yet, but I feel at home here. Every morning I’m greeted by shop owners and restaurant servers. In Rome I genuinely feel cared for. Even as I sit here scribbling thoughts on a paper place setting with a pen I borrowed, I feel comfortable among strangers. Sitting here for over an hour at a Café that I always go to, or going back to the same sandwich shops, has built intimacy. I understand now that food is enriched by the experience I have. I still…