
  • My London Life

    It surprised me, how quickly I found that London was the perfect place for me to live. It wasn’t the location that made it right, it was the people I came to know along the way. Even when the work got hard, even when I was traveling in Europe, I looked forward to the familiar faces I had become accustomed to seeing. In the canteen, I would search the crowds for my friends. I wanted to hear about their day, share stories, enjoy the laugh of good company. Many gatherings consisted of outings in the park, just reading or talking with one another as we basked in the sun (or…

  • A Walk to Remember

    The sound of rushing water always bring a sense of nostalgia. I listen to it as I calm my ever-racing mind. I am both present and absent from the world. I glide my feet as it takes me from the congested streets down the quiet rose filled Regent’s Park. I’ve brought a small snack of cheese and fruit to nibble on, while I read a book on a nearby bench. The wind is quite strong but I simply hug myself closer. What could be more peaceful? Soon the darkness sets in and I can no longer read the words on the page. I continue my journey home through new alleyways…

  • England My Home

    Going to England was this long-time dream of mine, but when it was actually becoming my reality, I was daunted and in denial. It isn’t like I spent months or even years building up for this experience, it was just that I had never made such an immense change in my life. I can remember only a couple months ago, I was watching my family vanish as I passed through TSA security and inside a fear of doubt grew. There was this small part of me that wanted to have my trip cancel or to have my flight delayed. I wanted to do anything to not face the fact that…

  • ‘Americanisms’ the English didn’t know existed…

    Where do I begin? Do you know how you’re doing a task and after some time you realise there would have been an easier way to do it, but because you are too stubborn and nearly done you continue to spend extra time struggling, doing something the harder way? Yeah, well that’s basically what it’s like to be an American in a nutshell. Seriously, why do we still think it’s better to measure in cups rather than in grams? Do we know there is a better way, or do we just delight in being different? I’m presuming the latter is true. Anyway it was to my surprise that in coming…